List Of Flowers
These are the flowers that are used by the florists mainly to fill up the space left empty in a bouquet. The primary color of it is orange though now hybrids are also available to them in the color of red, pink, white and yellow. These flowers symbolize friendship along with symbolizing wealth and fortune.
These are the flowers that bloom out from a bulbous plant. These are available in various colors such as white, pink, red, etc and are used to symbolize splendid beauty.
It has stamens in its center, which is surrounded by big petals. The feeling of fading hope is represented with this flower.
These flowers do not bloom on all the seasons of the year, but bloom mainly between June and October. The look of this flower is very similar to that of daisies and is at times even brighter than them. Since they have long stems in them, they are ideal for placing in pots in gardens.
Birds of paradise:
The look of a crane symbolizes the origin of this flower. This flower comes from native South America. In each bloom of it blue and orange petals are blossomed and in some yellow petal flowers also come out.
Calla Lily:
These are the flowers that find their place mostly in the wedding bouquets. Their serene calm look gives the bouquet a wonderful look.
These flowers have their origin from the Mediterranean region and display a unique golden look to the baskets. They are used analogous to flowers that can best portray their golden looks.
All these flowers are usually present in bouquets but people often fail to give importance to them so from now on you, know bit more about them and appreciate their usage.